Legendary Marketer Exposed-Is It Legit or a Labyrinth of Upsells?

Welcome to my Legendary Marketer Review!

If you’ve found your way here, you’re likely seeking more information about Legendary Marketer.

You might be wondering about its legitimacy, or curious about how it works. Maybe you are thinking about trying the product?

Either way, I am glad you are here. You are in the right place, as I am going to reveal what legendary Marketer is all about.

Let’s dive in and find out whether Legendary Marketer is legit or not.

Name    –  Legendary Marketer
Website – https://legendarymarketer.com/
Price      –  $1 – Upsells of $10,000+
Owners – David Sharpe
Quality – Fair
Overall Rank – /10
Refunds – 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Verdict – Legit – But Not Recommended!

Here is My #1 Recommendation

Hey there, friends! Just so you know, some of the links on this site are affiliate links. That means that if you click through and make a purchase, I’ll earn a small commission, at no additional cost to you. It’s like buying me a virtual cup of coffee! This doesn’t influence my recommendations – I only endorse products and services that I truly believe in. The earnings from these links help me keep this website running, and full of fun, useful content. So, if you find something here that you like, feel free to click away and support the site. Thanks for stopping by and happy browsing!

Decoding the Essence of Legendary Marketer

Legendary Marketer is a program that encompasses a series of meticulously designed programs aimed at teaching digital and affiliate marketing.

Imagine a Value Ladder, the cornerstone of their marketing strategy, which guides customers through a progression of upsells, each contributing to your ascent.

Your journey starts with the 15-day challenge (the starter course), offering insights into the mechanics of the Value Ladder and the art of upselling. Each level of training is another upsell.

The sole purpose, along with the intricacies of affiliate marketing, is upselling the new customers. Basically, they wanted everybody to invest $10,000.

I have a strong dislike for that kind of marketing. It is just taking advantage of people and milking them for the most money possible. But, it is effective marketing for making a lot of money!

Meet the Architect – David Sharpe

David Sharpe, the driving force behind Legendary Marketer, embarked on this journey in March 2017. His previous venture, Empower Network, achieved widespread acclaim in the realm of MLM.

Then, David Wood (His partner at the time) disclosed that the products at EN were all fake!

When all the products are fake and all the money goes to the top, it is a “pyramid scheme” Empower Network ended in bankruptcy.

Fast-forward to 2020, and Legendary Marketer emerges, reminiscent of its predecessor in certain aspects.

Unlike an MLM, it operates as a one-tier affiliate program, centered around investing to learn the nuances of promoting high-ticket items.

Shades of Deja Vu ! Is Dave is still up to the same tricks?

Navigating Legendary Marketer How it Works

The Legendary Marketer journey begins with the 15-day Challenge – a gateway to four distinct realms of online business.

These trainings do include some marketing training and insights, but they are just products that people have to buy in order to work themselves up the “Value Ladder”. They are not cheap!

  1. Affiliate Marketing – $2500
  2. Digital Products – $2500
  3. Coaching and Consulting – $2500
  4. Events and Masterminds – $2500

Amidst David Sharpe’s guidance, a lot of similarities to Empower network emerge. As people are advancing up the Value Ladder, they are told they need to spend money to learn how to make it.

It is a dual journey, as affiliates you make money as your customers spend money. And in turn they are told they will make more money as they recruit more people. High Ticket products promise higher returns.

The Legendary Offerings – A Comprehensive Library

Behold the grand collection of Legendary Marketer’s products on their own “Value Ladder”

  • The 15 Day Online Business Builder Challenge -$7
  • 15 second Free Leads -$1
  • Legendary marketers club – $29.95 Per Month/$179 Yearly Fee
  • Omni Branding Formula – $47
  • The Insiders Guide To Affiliate Marketing – $1.99
  • Copywriters Playbook – $1
  • Traffic University – $1497
  • Affiliate marketing Business Blueprint -$2,500
  • Digital Products Business Blueprint – $2,500
  • Coaching & Consulting Business Blueprint – $2,500
  • Events & Mastermind Business Blueprint – $2,500
  • Business Blueprints Starter Package – $2,500
  • Private Coaching Program With Dave Sharpe – starting at $2,500
  • Business blueprints With Mastermind – $4,500
  • Business Blueprints With Coaching – $9,500
  • Done For You Brand Builder – $10,000
  • Legendary Leadership Group – $30,000
  • Legendary Marketer Mastermind – $8,000
Tired of Being Scammed -Try PROVEN Training That Won’t Break the Bank

What is The Legendary Marketer 15 Day Challenge?

The 15-Day Challenge is like a crash course in online marketing. It’s a program that guides you over 15 days, helping you learn about important things for starting and growing an online business.

Legendary Marketer- 15 Day Challange

You’ll find out about topics like affiliate marketing, making digital products, coaching, and organizing events. And they all cost more money. Dave’s sales pitch is – ” You pay more to learn more”

Experienced folks share their tips, and you get to learn how to make money online step by step. It’s a chance to kick-start your online business journey and gain useful skills.

Just know that it’s all part of Legendary Marketer, which offers more advanced training costing from $1497 to $30,000!

The Details of The 15 Day Challenge

This immersive program serves as an entry point for individuals seeking to understand and master the fundamentals of affiliate marketing and digital entrepreneurship. The cost is $7 (regular price is listed as $997).

Over the course of 15 days, participants are introduced to a curated series of modules, each designed to provide insights, strategies, and actionable steps for navigating the intricacies of the online business landscape.

The challenge encompasses a diverse range of topics, including affiliate marketing, digital product creation, coaching and consulting, and the art of hosting events and masterminds.

Led by industry experts and seasoned practitioners, the 15-Day Challenge offers an opportunity to learn from those who have already navigated the path to online success.

Participants gain access to knowledge and techniques that empower them to create and promote products effectively, tap into valuable marketing channels, and establish a solid foundation for building a sustainable online business.

It’s worth noting that while the 15-Day Challenge provides valuable knowledge and guidance, it also introduces participants to Legendary Marketer’s wider array of offerings. It’s a big sales pitch!

Legendary Marketer Training – Create Sales Funnels

You will learn that the “Value Ladder” applies to all your training. The value ladder is used when you create your sales funnels to promote products.

Simply put, you start with a very low teaser rate as clickbait, and as your customers go through your funnel they get hit with higher and higher priced pitches. And it is repeated that they are all necessary to make more money!!

This is the type of site where you keep getting hit with one upsell after another, while you are trying to view another product completely. Usually these are those annoying pop-ups!

Whenever I run into those sites, I get upset and leave immediately . I don’t like that type of high pressure sales. But, that’s me. I guess there are people who love to get one annoying pop-up after another!

That is the type of marketing you are going to learn with Legendary Marketer! Good luck with that! You will need to get used to plenty of refunds from angry people!

Well, with My #1 Recommendation, you don’t need to sell like that. You can if you want to, but there are better ways to promote products.


Legendary Marketer – LegitNot Recommended

While Legendary Marketer is teaching a legitimate method, it is a series of costly training courses. Sure, you get the training and learn how to create sales funnels and run ads.

But that method has a lot of extra costs and heartburn! They use ClickFunnels and there is no way around it. All the DFY (done for you) sales funnels only work on ClickBank. And ClickBank costs $99 a month.

However, that is only until you create 20 funnels, then the cost goes up to $299 per month!! Plus, you have to pay for ads to send people to ClickBank to run them through your sales funnels.

And you can use 20 funnels quick while you try to learn how to use ClickFunnels! Yes, there is a learning curve there as well!

And $299 a month! That ain’t cheap! Plus, you can spend a lot of money quickly on ads! Trust me, I found that out the hard way!

And on top of that you are buying a course from Dave that costs $2500 bucks! Not to mention any other trainings or newsletters. Whew, you are in a money pit before you start!

I don’t know about you, but that’s a lot of money to spend on marketing courses!

I Have a Better Way – Stop Dreaming & Start Earning!

You can unlock your way to financial independence without spending all that money! Discover the path to financial freedom through Wealthy Affiliates comprehensive training that empowers you to build your own successful online business.

You can say goodbye to all those endless upsells. Wealthy Affiliate offers an all-inclusive platform where everything you need is provided under one roof – no hidden fees or surprise charges.

You can use the FREE starter account for a test-drive, but to get optimal business training, you need to upgrade to Premium for $49 a month. And for $99 a month, you get the best that WA offers, Premium Plus+. All the tools you need to get rolling are included without any additional costs.

Learn At Your Own Pace

Learn and grow on your terms. WA’s self-paced training allows you to fit learning into your busy schedule, ensuring you can master online business at your convenience. You don’t need to get it done in 15 days!

Get expert training without breaking the bank. Wealthy Affiliate budget-friendly pricing gives you access to top-notch resources that won’t drain your wallet.

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When you join you have a supportive and active community of over 2.5 million members! With instant chat, you get answers to your questions fast, share your success, and connect with like-minded individuals on your journey to success.

You harness the power of SEO to drive organic traffic to your website, avoiding the high costs of running ads. And the in-depth SEO training you will be learning, ensures your business ranks high on search engines. Better ranking attracts more visitors and potential customers. That’s more profits for you!

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Don’t worry if you’re not a tech whiz. Wealthy Affiliates‘ user-friendly platform and step-by-step guidance make it easy for anyone to build an online business, regardless of their technical background.

When you build your business, you create a strong and memorable brand identity with WA’s guidance. And you learn how to establish your unique online presence that stands out in the competitive digital landscape.

Proven Success Stories

You don’t have to believe me, WA has countless success stories! Just ordinary people like you and me who have transformed their lives with the training they got. It’s the real success stories that demonstrate WA’s effectiveness in turning dreams into reality.

You are moments away from a life where YOU make the rules…

Imagine waking up every morning and getting to decide exactly how your day will go, all on YOUR terms…

You could argue that we all get to do that to an extent, but do we really?

You’ll always have a boss to answer to or bills that need paying.

You can’t just up and leave your job to go visit Spain for a week.

Maybe you could make the time, but could you comfortably afford it?

Or would you be right back where you are now after that week, wondering when you will get your next raise?

My point is that Wealthy Affiliate is not just another way to make some money….

It’s the vehicle to a life where you answer to no one but yourself…

A life where you live on YOUR terms every single day…

A life where you decide what you feel like doing, and then you do it without a second thought!

This is your opportunity to escape.

It’s your surefire way to become the person you’ve always known you could be.

This is the chance to turn your life around from working a draining 9-5 to living the life you used to dream of (and probably still are dreaming of right this moment!)

The question is: Are you ready to take the first step toward the rest of your life right here, right now?

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Plus, it is free to start!

Take WA’s FREE starter account for a test drive, there is no risk to you at all. Why not take advantage of zero cost to explore the platform, access the training, and see firsthand the value it offers? You have nothing to lose!



Frequently Asked Questions
Is Legendary Marketer a Legitimate Pursuit?
Yes, Legendary Marketer a legitimate Product! But, LM is set up to get people to pay a lot of money to learn affiliate marketing. Wealthy Affiliate is a much cheaper program to learn about affiliate marketing!
Does Legendary Marketer really work?
Indeed, they offer trainings, personalized coaching, and live events. But, most participants find success promoting Legendary Marketer’s products.
When Did Legendary Marketer Begin Its Journey?
David Sharpe created Legendary Marketer in January 2020 – This sparked the Legendary Marketer era. Within months, $10,000 monthly commissions were being made.
What is the 15 Day Challenge?
The 15-Day Challenge is like a crash course in online marketing. It’s a program that guides you over 15 days, helping you learn the important things for starting and growing an online business. It covers topics like affiliate marketing, making digital products, coaching, and organizing events. Experienced folks share their tips, and you get to learn how to make money online step by step. It’s a chance to kick-start your online business journey and gain useful skills. Just know that it’s a part of Legendary Marketer, which offers more advanced training too.
What’s the Price of Joining the 15-Day Challenge?
Joining the 15-Day Challenge comes with a cost of $7. That’s like grabbing a cup of coffee or a snack. It’s a small investment considering you’re getting guidance and insights on how to start and grow your online business. Plus, it’s a stepping stone into the world of Legendary Marketer, where you can explore more advanced training options if you decide to take your online business journey further. Keep in mind, LM has plenty of upsells, and WA is much more affordable!

Meet the Author

I am Carl, creator and founder of Earn Money Anywhere. I started affiliate marketing and earning money online in 2015. And I can tell you, anyone can do this. But, in order to build a business the right way you must have the right training and avoid the get rich quick schemes. I can help you start your own business and avoid all the costly mistakes I made.

Join me and discover My #1 Recommendation to earning money online. See you on the inside!

14 thoughts on “Legendary Marketer Exposed-Is It Legit or a Labyrinth of Upsells?”

  1. Hey Carl,

    I enjoyed reading this article on legendary marketer.

    Being honest, I am not sure this is for me. But, I read your post on Wealthy Affiliate and I think that could well be something I look into. It sounds like it’s not too costly to start with it, and it sounds like the community/training is well worth the investment.

    I am an author of leadership & personal growth books, and I am training to become a coach and doing my coaching diploma. So I feel I could add affiliate marketing to my writing and coaching business. What do you think?

    Thank you for sharing and keep up the great work.

    All the best,


    • Hi Tom,
      Glad to hear you enjoyed the article. And yes I highly recommend Wealthy Affiliate training. You can try it for free and decide whether you like it or not, there is no commitment. But, if you are serious about your own business and learning about building websites, it is the biggest bang for the buck on the internet.
      Good Question! Yes, you could add Affiliate Marketing to your business, and with Wealthy Affiliate teaching you how to build and monetize a website is a great way to do it! All you need is relevant affiliate programs to promote on your website, along with your coaching and books!
      Thanks for leaving a comment and please stop back soon!

  2. Carl.
    I appreciate your thought on Legendary Marketer; I cannot believe it costs so much to learn affiliate marketing when you can learn the same or a more effective method for a fraction of the cost.Wealthy Affiliate is much more affordable! I think you were being generous when you rated Legendary Marketer a 5/10. Your research and insight are thoroughly appreciated.

    • HI Kay,
      Thank you for your thoughtful comment! I understand your concern about the cost of learning affiliate marketing. Indeed, Legendary Marketer can be on the pricey side. When comparing it to Wealthy Affiliate, for instance, WA offers a comprehensive platform with training, tools, and a supportive community, all at a much more affordable price.

      For a fraction of the cost, you get step-by-step training, live support, and an extensive network of like-minded individuals. It’s not just about saving money; it’s about getting exceptional value and a solid foundation for your online journey. I appreciate your recognition of the research and insights, and I’m here to help with any more questions you might have!

      Thank you for leaving your comment, please stop back soon!

        • Hi Carolyn,
          Sorry for the delay, I wasn’t checking my emails! My Bad.
          As long as you decide to remain a member, you will have a monthly or yearly fee. But, that is the only cost you have. There are no upsells or gimmicks. You can cancel anytime. Unlike other platforms that charge you upsells for extra training, or new gimmicks, all your training is included, your hosting, and you have 24/7 instant support. If you have ever dealt with site support by email, it takes days sometimes to get an answer. Wealthy Affiliate is the biggest bang for the buck anywhere on the internet!
          If you have any more questions, please feel free to contact me.

  3. Hey, finding out the truth about Legendary Marketer is like diving into the heart of the online marketing world. 

    Your article does a great job in shedding light on whether it’s a legitimate opportunity or a maze of upsells. 

    Have you personally tried Legendary Marketer, or do you have any insights to share from your research?

    Thanks for demystifying the legendary Marketer.

    • Hi Jake,

      I’m pleased to hear that you found my article on Legendary Marketer informative for those exploring opportunities in the online marketing world. While I have firsthand experience with Wealthy Affiliate, my insights on Legendary Marketer are drawn from extensive research to provide an unbiased perspective.

      Choosing the right path in the online marketing realm is crucial, and Legendary Marketer’s offerings are really expensive because of upsells. While Wealthy Affiliate has no upsells, but two levels of training to choose from. Their Premium membership is loaded with enough information to start your own business.

      It’s important to consider your unique goals and preferences when evaluating this opportunity. If you have any specific questions or require more insights, please feel free to reach out, and I’ll be glad to assist.

      Thank you for your kind words, and I’m glad to demystify Legendary Marketer for you. Should you have further inquiries or need additional guidance, please don’t hesitate to ask.

  4. Hi Carl,
    Thank you very much for sharing your insights about Legendary Marketer.
    Guess what? I personally tried the Legendary Marketer 15-day business challenge not two months ago, and I agree with a lot of what you said.

    In fact, I ended up joining the Wealthy Affiliate platform afterwards and I do agree that it’s a much better way to go about learning affiliate marketing and making money online.

    Legendary Marketer is not terrible, but as soon as I was slammed with the $2500 offer, I knew it wasn’t for me. It’s a ridiculously large amount of money to invest in something that isn’t clear-cut.

    The thing is, the training goes over a lot of concepts and ideas without practical guidance. The whole idea of the 15-day business challenge is to sell the concept of the $2500 blueprints and convince you to invest.

    Also, I definitely agree with you that most Legendary Marketer members who did see substantial success did so promoting Legendary Marketer itself, and not because the training gave them real, general affiliate marketing guidance.

    • Hi Yusuf,

      It is great to hear from someone who actually tried the product to verify what I have said is true. It is sad that they charge people $2500 to deliver the training you need to apply those concepts! and that is just the first upsell!

      I feel like that is a financial scam with all the upsells! And you don’t need to pay that much to learn how to do affiliate marketing!

      I did see others reporting that the 15 day challenge was just to give you their high pressure sales pitch! And it sounds very much like an MLM with the members promoting the LM product.

      I am glad to hear that you did join Wealthy Affiliate! Now, you can learn everything you need to learn for a fraction of the cost! No scams, No gimmicks, No upsells! 

      You can upgrade to Premium Plus+ but you are not pressured to do that. That is entirely up to you! You can create a successful business with Premium alone!

      Thanks for taking the time to leave such a great comment, and please stop back soon!


  5. Thanks, Carl, for this information on Legendary Marketer. I am pretty sure that I heard about it previously but never spent the time to investigate. Thanks for saving me the time as I agree with your points and that there are better alternatives available such as Wealthy Affiliate.

    • Glad to help people learn about products that waste their money. If it is a scam or a fraud I want them to know about it. Yes, Wealthy Affiliate is definitely a far better choice. It is the biggest bang for the buck on the planet! It helps people build their business the right way with a solid foundation.
      Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment, please stop back soon!

  6. Thanks for providing such a comprehensive review of Legendary Marketer. It’s helpful to understand the program’s structure and pricing. I’m curious about how it compares to other online marketing training programs. Have you come across any alternatives that offer a more cost-effective and less upsell-heavy approach while providing valuable training in digital marketing? Your insights would be greatly appreciated.

    • Hi Med,
      I am glad to bring the information to help people avoid the money traps and scams out there! Yes I have found a much more cost effective product. Wealthy Affiliate is my #1 Recommendation. It teaches people how to build a solid online business with a good foundation. I always say, it is the biggest bang for the buck on the planet! They have 1 upgrade, but no upsells on their training!
      Thank you for taking the time to leave such a wonderful comment, please stop back soon.


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